I've realized something about my shopping behavior when I'm browsing for clothes. This past week I went to the mall. A lot. And every store I entered in, my focus automatically zoomed in on anything that either had sequins, lace, or studs - obviously not all three at once, that would be fashion overload. I have a (sick) obsession with sequins, lace, and studs. Throw a lace dress my way and I'll buy it, even knowing that I have three already that look practically the same. Don't even get me started on sequined shorts or studded heels!
I think all three styles kind of reflect different sides of my style. My style is kind of all over the place. A little bit of a multiple personality disorder of the wardrobe. Sometimes I feel like dressing girly and feminine, hence the lace. There are times that I feel like a diva and just want to glam it up, which is where the sequins come in. And then there are a couple of moments where I just want to be a bit of a rebel and spice up my outfit with something daring...and thats when my studs come in handy!
Of course, everything is good in moderation. I would never wear an overabundance of all three at once. But while I'm still growing and developing my own style, I've noticed these pieces always make their way into my closet. Maybe I'm just a girly glamazon who sometimes has a tendency to want to be a rockstar? ;)