About Me

Feisty : having or showing a lively aggressiveness : spunky <the movie's feisty heroine>

Fembot : is anything which resembles a woman

So, why the name? Well, my adorable little butterflies, I think these two words describe the way people see me pretty accurately. I'm feisty as hell. I always have an opinion, I'm very strong-headed (a little too much at times!), and I tend to speak what's on my mind. 

Now, what in the freaking warped universe is a fembot? I bet you're thinking those girls with guns for nipples in the Austin Powers movie. Sadly, I am not one of those. It would be great if my bust could be used as an armed weapon though I must admit. But I digress, a fembot to me is a woman who looks and dresses nice, but looks like she has absolutely no capability of showing emotion - like a robot. Get it? Fem - female? Bot = robot? I know, genius. Unfortunately I didn't create that term either, but I probably could have done it before the other guy did. Wait, what?
Anyways, so how am I a fembot? I can't be spunky AND emotionless. But I'm not emotionless you see. It's just that I look like I am. I need to post a picture of my normal face. You know that face you have when you are just blank? Most people just look content, correct? I look like I want to shank somebody. I look like I'm perpetually planning the demise of all humankind. Which, don't worry, I'm not. Most of the time I'm thinking about what I'm going to eat next or why that girl that just passed by is wearing awful metallic pink lipstick. But I just always look angry. That and I have the tendency to be very short in responses at times, making it seem like I just don't care. But I do, little monkeys. I do.

This is way too long. And ridiculous. I just wasted your entire life describing the title of my blog. I'm sorry. Wait, no I'm not. You shouldn't have been curious in the first place. But since you're a trooper, I leave you with some little facts about me that are actually interesting:

  • I have way more pairs of black heels than I actually need
  • My promise to myself since I was 16 is to spend my first big girl job paycheck on a pair of Louboutins. I don't care if I have to starve for the rest of the month
  • I hate long walks along the beach and candlelit dinners (Ok, walks on the beach aren't that bad)
  • My favorite color is lime green, but I'd never actually wear it because that would be silly. It is the color of my bedroom walls though
  • I naturally make weird faces and sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it
  • I am a secret nerd/dork (Lord of the Rings! HTML! Mmm so good)
  • I cry during Disney movies
  • I'll eat anything. Anything.
  • My dream vacation would be to explore every city in Italy.
  • I love dubstep and house music (but I'll listen to pretty much anything besides country)
  • I LOVE CATS. Meow.