Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fashion Haul Saturdays

NOTE: I hade scheduled this to post yesterday! Don't know why it didn't work! (grrr)

Hello my lovelies. I'm trying to do theme posts to keep me on the blogging track. So, every Saturday, I will post every fashion item my shopaholic self bought each week. And I'm totally kidding guys about me being a shopaholic, I know how to control my spending. I would be lying though if I said I don't by at least one unnecessary item each week. Case in point:

Nixon The Time Teller Acetate Watch ($150 at Bloomingdale's)

I kinda just ordered this maybe an hour ago on online. Do I need it? No. I already have watches, but I must admit I don't have a waterproof in that case maybe I did need it! See me trying to justify my purchase there? So sad. BUT this was my one and only fashion addict purchase this week. I'll make sure to take a picture of this bad boy and post it once it's on my small, fragile wrist. 

Ciao my love bugs!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog! would you mind following each other via bloglovin? :) xx

    /Malin @
